7 bad habits and their effect on the heart.

what are the 7 bad habits and their effect on the  hear?.

 Unhealthy habits. For some reason, many of us are not ready to part with many of the usual actions that destroy the heart muscle. Still - at first glance there is nothing dangerous in them.

 Watch TV

We can spend hours sitting in front of the TV. According to scientists, simply not moving for several hours can affect metabolism, increasing the risk of developing heart disease. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity contribute to the emergence of many diseases - primarily cardiovascular.

What to do?  - Throw away the TV ?! If it's really hard without a blue screen, get into the healthy habit of doing push-ups or pumping abs during your favorite TV show. You can iron the linen or clean the room - just don't sit still on the couch.

 Take offense at the whole world

Do you think that resentment and irritation do not affect your health in any way? Strong negative emotions, especially those held deep within anger and resentment, can increase stress levels and lead to rapid wear and tear of the heart muscle.

What to do?  - If you can't fall in love with the whole world and forgive enemies and tactless friends, find someone with whom you can talk about all the problems. Or buy a gym membership and blow off some steam there. The main thing is not to accumulate resentment.

 Forget to brush your teeth

Scientists have recently discovered a direct link between dental disease and heart disease. As it turned out, chronic infections in the oral cavity provoke the development of atherosclerosis.

What to do?  - Elementary - brush your teeth at least twice a day. Learn how to floss, try mouthwash and buy a "travel" set of toothpicks.

 Drink regularly

Alas, even the nightly relaxation with a glass of "light red" provokes you to take half a bucket of alcohol a year. And with it - at least an increase in blood pressure in a few years.

What to do?  - Learn to relax in a healthier way. For example, breathing exercises, walking in the park with good company, or going to the pool. If something must be drunk in the company of friends, then let it be a glass of freshly squeezed juice or green tea.


It is well known that being overweight is one of the main causes of heart and vascular diseases. People often do not notice that they are eating more than they should, and not at all what they need.

What to do?  - Just don't go on another fashionable diet! Losing weight is actually much easier than it might seem: just eat fewer calories than you spend. Better yet, so as not to die of longing for one lettuce for lunch - spend more so that you can eat almost anything you want. That is, move, move and move again! And no sweet soda - this sugar bomb is not removed from the body by any charge.

 To smoke

Smoking is not only completely out of fashion. This is truly a complete disaster for your heart. Blood clots can form in the blood vessels that are narrowed by nicotine, blocking blood flow to the heart.

What to do? - Throw. Here and now. It doesn't matter what helps you do it - the recommended book, the help of a friend, or meditation. The main thing is that by quitting smoking, you will add yourself at least another 10 years of interesting and full of joy to life!


Anything can cause harm to health. Sometimes, even completely ordinary things can harm us, and, as a rule, we think about it a little. "Yes, living in general is harmful" - this phrase is often repeated by people who have learned that what they are used to in life is harmful to their health, whether it be coffee in the morning, chips in front of the TV, tap water, sitting in front of monitor, long conversations on a mobile phone, a cigarette on an empty stomach and many other actions that no one thinks about, but simply performs day after day. But it should be remembered that "harm" has a tendency to accumulate and, subsequently, we pay with our health.

Protect your heart by starting to quit the habits that break it!

Go through our questionnaire and find out if you are at risk for developing cardiovascular disease .

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